Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Trainer Kit (not the ones found in the lab)

We often seem to judge other people and compare our situations with them.
" Look at that care free bugger, free lad he is. not a care in the world for him."
Such comments are genreally accompanied by lack of empathy as well as information.

If we have things our way so easy in life there would be nothing to look forward to, Since there will be no challenges, there will be no character building if everything we desire is served to us on a platter. This is not not about achiving certain goals in life or being successful (Society has laid certain standards u know).

Sometimes we face situations which wish we didn't have to face. We tend to ask questions like " why me? wtf did i do ...?"
But the important point to realise is that all of us will be laden with difficulties sooner or later in life, some of there problems will be beyond our problem solving capacity. It's then that your true character will be put to test. In such a situation one can panic and curse OR one can hold ones cool, stay put and continue doing what one feels is right.

That's why I said trainer kit, small issues in life prepare you for the bigger ones which are inevitible. So instead of runnung away, one has to dive into it and continue doing the right thing.


Anu said...

nice post! but what do you mean by the "right thing"?

Full Of Life said...

Carl Sandburg rightly said

"Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep."


Prachi Bansal said...

first of all, no idea abt any kind of those lab trainer kits :P
and for the kit you are providing, totally true man!

junoon said...

nice post !! happiness and sadness go hand in hand. and your trainer idea kit shows that u are a electronics engineer. :)))))

bits.pankaj said...

Hey..liked this post a lot..Very true!!
You need to deal with comparatively smaller issues to prepare urself to face the bigger and difficult ones..The degree of a situation is although different for different people..A situation that one finds as small as it can be might turn out to be a big deal for another person!!

Ravemzsdin said...

kuch bhi sid...
No KITS onle CANS dat too of Fosters !!!

When leaving for home??? fckin we r shrt on ppl to celebrate diwali :(

eNVy said...

i see life more as video/computer game...

we all have to pass thru levels sooner or later.. n we kno for sure dey are gonna get tougher each time we pass..

on our way we might get gifts, rewards and powerups but we usually get more worried about obstacles we face rather than the good things we get...

it is the gameplay which is more important rather than just reaching the next level.

U might think im crazy but we all r plying 'wow' in one way or the other


hash said...

saale envy game ko restart bhi kiya jaa sakta hai...

eNVy said...

nabb hash wow cant be restarted :P
it remembers where u left the last time!!