Thursday, 20 November 2008

Things I have learnt bcoz of PS2

Here is the list of things I have learn during my 5 month long stay in Bangalore.

1. Do not hesitate to start a conversation with a complete stranger, it helps to know people. Dump the conversation if the person is a dooche-bag.

2. Try to get a ride to office, buses in Bangalore suck ass.

3. Do not mess with the cafeteria guys, he is your "annadaata" while u r at PS.

4. Keep in touch with the randomly made new friends, if they r employed and well to do, u might get a free lunch/dinner :P. \marwadi/

5. If you do not have work , read up for placements or just for the sake of knowledge. Wiki can be much more usfull than u imagine.

6.Make Linkidin Contacts.

7. Do not add colleagues on Gtalk, coz yur status messages will be mostly abt how bad yur ps station is.

8. Bit of free stationary is not going to hurt anyone.

9. The quality of eye candy in Bangalore is really really good, I hope u have a sweet tooth. I do :D

10. Visit Java City(Church Street), Indian Coffee House(MG road), and A2B(CMH rd), ISKON before you leave Bangalore.

11. The maid will not come everyday, even if u paid her well. So make sure you have extras.

12. Land-lords are bastards/bitches.....

13.Money saved is money earned.

14. Go to expensive cafes only if u r with a chick, otherwise u r just a retard.
I was i know .. i know..

15.Meet more and more people everyday.. make new friends and never regret.

16. After all thsi if u still have time, wotk on yur PS project


Prachi Bansal said...

hehehe...very nice post..
some these u told me personally.. :D

Nimit said...

Absolutely true! though cannot associate myself with Bangalore specific one's but others definitely true.

Rohit said...

@nimit, in your case gurgaon eye candy is equally sweet and delicious :-)

Ravemzsdin said...

to add to it,read blogs in ps or write too.

prats said...

truE!!and obb hw cn u miss blogging :D..
btw to make ur ps less sucking:
1.get a bike \m/
2.come office late and leave early
3.Keep attending shows where entry is free and there are chances to win prizes
4.Try out each and every restaurant f church street:
three quarter chinese
ruby tues
java city
etc etc.. each 1 is rocking!!
and thn dre r many othr thngs to do :P.. newyz too long a comment..
nice post

Anonymous said...

alcohol is a bad idea in blore. waaaaaaayyy too expensive. especially for us from goa. :|

Sidharth Ullal said...

thnx for the tips ;)

KK said...

yoyo bloke.. nice post! will try to implement the same @ Hyderabad \m/

forever indebted to u man.. tc..